BGCSA Update on Procedures for COVID-19

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COVID-19 Clubhouse Updates

April 6, 2020

BGSCA will remain closed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We are working hard on pairing our families with the resources they need most. If you are a member of a Clubhouse in San Antonio, you will receive information about Food Bank distribution locations, “Club on the Go” care packages for our members, Virtual Power Hour and school work help, as well as YouTube videos for at home programming fun. Stay healthy!


BGCSA permancerá cerrado indefinidamente debido a COVID-19. Estamos trabajando arduamente para ofrecer a nuestras familias los recursos que más necesitan. Si es miembro de un club en San Antonio, recibirá información sobre distribución del Banco de Comida, “Club on the Go paquetes de asistencia para nuestros miembros, Virtual Power Hour y ayuda para el trabajo escolar, tambien videos de YouTube para la diversión de programación en el hogar. Cuidense mucho! 


March 27, 2020

BGSCA will remain closed next week due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We are working hard on pairing our families with the resources they need most. If you are a member of a Clubhouse in San Antonio, you will receive information about Food Bank distribution locations, care packages for our members, Virtual Power Hour and school work help, as well as YouTube videos for at home programming fun. Stay healthy!

BGCSA permancerá cerrada la próxima semana debido a COVID-19. Estamos trabajando arduamente para ofrecer a nuestras familias los recursos que más necesitan. Si es miembro de un club en San Antonio, recibirá información sobre distribución del Banco de Comida, paquetes de asistencia para nuestros miembros, Virtual Power Hour y ayuda para el trabajo escolar, tambien videos de YouTube para la diversión de programación en el hogar. Cuidense mucho! 

March 20, 2020

Due the City of San Antonio imposing a ban on gatherings of 50 or more people, it has forced BGCSA to extend our closure for another week. At this time, we are actively working with the San Antonio Food Bank to set up food distribution for our members and their families. When we have further details, we will share that with you all. During this time, we will continue to keep our families updated via social media, our website, remind, and club communications. We hope you all are staying safe during this time and we look forward to the day we can re-open our doors. 


Debido a que la Ciudad de San Antonio impuso una prohibición de reuniones de 50 o más personas, obligó a BGCSA a extender nuestro cierre por otra semana. En este momento, estamos trabajando activamente con el Banco de Alimentos de San Antonio para establecer la distribución de alimentos para nuestros miembros y sus familias. Cuando tengamos más detalles, lo compartiremos con todos ustedes. Durante este tiempo, continuaremos comunicando con nuestras familias través de las redes sociales, nuestro sitio web y comunicaciones del club. Esperamos que todos se mantengan seguros durante este tiempo y esperamos con ansias el día en que podamos volver a abrir nuestras puertas.


March 16, 2020

As a precautionary measure, and to do our part in mitigating the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19), our Clubs, which includes our main office, are closed to the public beginning Monday, March 16, 2020. During this time, our Club Support teams will work remotely in order to continue supporting our members, their families, volunteers, and community partners.

What this means for Club members and volunteers in our program:

If you are a parent/guardian, volunteer, or prospective employee and have scheduled an interview or meeting with one of our staff members, please be on the lookout for communication from a member of our team. This includes summer registration, which is momentarily on hold until we have more information regarding closures of schools. Again, while our physical offices are closed, we will continue to support our community remotely.

We remain committed to our mission

We remain committed to empowering youth today to build a better tomorrow. Therefore, we will continue working towards inspiring youth, especially those who need us most.

Please follow our social media, check for any emails, and visit this page regarding updates of the status of BGCSA events and programming.

March 13, 2020

Clubs Closed March 16 – 20, 2020
Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy place for our kids and families. We have been closely monitoring local developments, and with the closure of most local school districts, we feel that for the health, safety and well-being of our members it is best to close our clubs next week, March 16-20. We will continue to monitor the situation and hope we can reopen the following week. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this fast-changing environment. Please stay safe and healthy!
Clubs Cierran el 12 de marzo – 20 de marzo
Boys & Girls Clubs de San Antonio está dedicado a mantener un sitio seguro y saludable para nuestros miembros y sus familias. Hemos estado monitoreando desarrollos locales, y con el cierre de la mayoría de nuestros distritos, sentimos que por el bienestar de su hijo o hija la decisión mejor es cerrar nuestros Clubs del 16 de marzo a 20 de marzo. Vamos a continuar a monitorear la situación y esperamos que podemos abrir la semana de 23 de marzo. Gracias por su paciencia durante esta situación que está cambiando con mucha rapidez. ¡Por favor manténganse saludable y seguros!


March 11, 2020

Our commitment to keeping the young people we serve safe is always our number one priority. Following the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, it’s important that you know that Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio is doing everything possible to keep your child, our staff and volunteers protected from its spread. We are also closely monitoring reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and our local health department for all updated information.

As we communicated on March 2, we have increased our daily cleaning measures. More specifically, we have instituted daily cleaning checklists for program and custodial staff to include frequent cleaning and disinfecting of club vehicles, tables, desks, counters, chairs, door handles, light switches, phones, gaming tables, railings, electronics, water fountains, sinks, and all highly touched materials. Also, we have increased the frequency of hand washing for all members and staff at every BGCSA location. We have also communicated specific guidelines to our staff regarding illness and travel.


We ask that all families follow the CDC recommendations that can help prevent the spread of respiratory COVID-19:


  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol

If your child presents symptoms of being sick, you will be called to pick up your child so that he or she may seek medical care as needed. 

Be assured that BGCSA takes this matter very seriously. We will follow all prescribed emergency management plans at state, county, and local government levels and school districts and are ready to take all appropriate measures to ensure the safety of your children. We thank you for your cooperation. 


For more information, please contact our Club Support Services offices at (210) 436-0686.

11 de marzo 2020

Nuestro compromiso para mantener a los jóvenes que servimos seguros es nuestra prioridad. Tras las noticias sobre el Coronavirus (COVID-19), es importante que las familias a las que servimos estén informadas sobre las precauciones que estamos tomando en el Boys & Girls Club de San Antonio. Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para mantener la salud de sus hijos, nuestros empleados, y voluntarios.  También estamos observando muy de cerca la información actualizada que los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) y autoridades locales están ofreciendo.

Como comunicamos el 2 de marzo, ya hemos aumentado las medidas para desinfectar nuestros centros. Más específicamente hemos instituido listas para limpieza diaria de zonas que niños frecuentan. Eso incluye, los camiones, mesas, escritorios, sillas, manijas de las puertas, interruptores de luz, teléfonos, mesas de juegos, rejas, fuentes de agua, y cualquier otra zona que sea necesaria. Además, hemos aumentado la frecuencia de lavado de manos para todos los miembros y personal de BGCSA. También hemos comunicado las siguientes directivas específicas para nuestro personal con respecto a los viajes fuera del condado de Bexar y síntomas de la enfermedad:

  • Evitar el contacto cercano con personas enfermas.
  • Evitar tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca.
  • Quedarse en casa si está enfermo.
  • Cubrirse la nariz y la boca con un pañuelo desechable al toser o estornudar y luego botarlo a la basura.
  • Limpiar y desinfectar los objetos y las superficies que se tocan frecuentemente, usando un producto común de limpieza de uso doméstico en rociador o toallita.
  • Seguir las recomendaciones de los CDC sobre el uso de mascarillas.
  • Lavarse las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón por al menos 20 segundos, especialmente después de ir al baño, antes de comer, y después de sonarse la nariz, toser o estornudar. Si no cuenta con agua ni jabón, use un desinfectante de manos que contenga al menos un 60 % de alcohol. Lávese las manos siempre con agua y jabón si están visiblemente sucias.

Si durante su estancia en BGSA su hijo o hija presenta síntomas de la enfermedad le vamos a hablar y pedir que le recoja para que puedan recibir atención médica lo más pronto posible. BGCSA está tomando el coronavirus en serio y queremos tomar todas las precauciones para mantener el bienestar de nuestros miembros y personal. Vamos a seguir los procedimientos de emergencia previstos por el gobierno nacional, estatal, y agencias y distritos escolares locales. El bienestar de sus hijos es nuestra prioridad y le queremos agradecer su cooperación.

Parra más información, hable a nuestras oficinas al número (210) 436-0686.

March 2, 2020

At the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio (BGCSA), nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of children. BGCSA follows the guidance and expertise of local, state, and national health officials to help protect our Boys & Girls Club members, their families and our employees from all communicable diseases.


BGCSA is closely monitoring information being publicized by City officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the growing concerns about the spread of the respiratory illness known as Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). 



According to the CDC, the following are some actions that can be taken to help prevent the spread of respiratory illness such as Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19):


  •  Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  •  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  •  Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
  •  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. (Source: CDC – Harris County Public Health) 


One of the best defenses against spreading a virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds. As such, we are immediately increasing the frequency of hand washing for all members and staff at every BGCSA location. We are also increasing disinfecting measures for key contact areas within each Club. If your child presents symptoms of being sick, you will be called to pick up your child so that he or she may seek medical care as needed.



Be assured that BGCSA takes this matter very seriously. We will continue to monitor information being released by City officials and the CDC and are ready to take all appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the youth we serve. We thank you for your cooperation. 

Talking to Children about COVID-19

Information about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly evolving as new details are confirmed and new questions emerge causing concern that can make children and families anxious. It is very important that children look to adults for guidance on how to react to stressful events. Teaching children positive preventative measures , talking with them about their fears, and giving them a sense of some control over their risk of infection can help reduce anxiety.
Following are some helpful tips published by the National Association of School Psychologists:
  • Remain calm and reassuring – Children will react to and follow your verbal and nonverbal reactions.
  • Make yourself available – Children may need extra attention from you and may want to talk about their concerns, fears, and questions. 
  • Avoid excessive blaming – It is important to avoid stereotyping any one group of people as responsible for the virus.
  • Monitor television viewing and social media – Try to avoid watching or listening to information that might be upsetting when your children are present. Limit their television viewing or access to information on the internet and through social media.
  • Be honest and accurate –  In the absence of factual information, children often imagine situations far worse than reality.
  • Encourage your child to practice every day good hygiene – Giving children guidance on what they can do to prevent infection gives them a greater sense of control over disease spread and will help reduce their anxiety. 


Each one of us has a role to play in the safety and well-being of children. If we each do our part, we can help children cope with this situation and lessen the risk for everyone. 

Hablando con su hijo o hija sobre el COVID-19

Información sobre el Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) está cambiando rápidamente y sabemos que su hijo o hija va tener muchas preguntas sobre el tema. Una situación como esta puede causar ansiedades, pero es muy importante que ustedes tengan recursos apropiados para hablar con su hijo o hija sobre el coronavirus en una manera que aborda el temor y les da un sentido de control sobre el riesgo de infección. 

La Asociación Nacional de Psicólogos Escolares ha publicado unos consejos para hablar con los niños:

·         Mantener se tranquilo: Sus hijos reaccionarán y seguirán las reacciones verbales y no verbales que usted tenga.

·         Procure estar presente: Es posible que los niños necesiten mayor atención de su parte, y deseen hablar sobre sus inquietudes.

·         Evite culpar en exceso: Cuando estamos muy tensos, a veces intentamos culpar a alguien.

·         Controle el uso de la televisión y las redes sociales: Limite el tiempo destinado a ver televisión o el acceso a información en Internet y a través de las redes sociales. Trate de evitar ver o escuchar información que pueda ser desconcertante cuando sus hijos están presentes.

·         Sea honesto y claro: Ante la falta de información objetiva, a menudo los niños imaginan situaciones mucho peor que la realidad.

·         Revise y ponga en práctica hábitos de higiene básicos y un estilo de vida saludable como forma de protección: Orientar a los niños sobre lo que pueden hacer para prevenir una infección les brinda una mayor sensación de control sobre el contagio de la enfermedad y les ayudará a reducir su nivel de ansiedad.

Cada uno de nosotros desempeñamos un rol importante en el bienestar de nuestros niños. Si cada uno podemos hacer nuestra parte para hacer frente la situación se puede reducir el riesgo para todos.

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