Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Statement of Support

Inspiring Positive Change

At Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio, we advocate for youth to have equitable opportunities regardless of specific identifiers, including but not limited to race, religion, ethnic heritage, physical or mental abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. As disparities within our communities continue and systemic racism is still prevalent across our nation, we acknowledge our responsibility to support our community at all times and under all circumstances.

In line with Boys & Girls Clubs of America, we believe it is crucial to not only speak up, but to take action, and firmly state that Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio condemns any act of racism or discrimination in any form. It is our mission to inspire youth, especially those who need us most, to achieve their full potential in a safe, positive and engaging environment. Any concerns regarding discrimination can be reported to BGCSA Chief Operations Officer at 210-436-0686.


Club Member Diversity

Our Commitment to Diversity

Boys & Girls Clubs of America is committed to furthering our national Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts by:

Setup for Success

We believe a child’s socioeconomic status, race, religion, ethnic heritage, physical or mental abilities, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression should not determine their chances for success. Every child who walks through our doors is treated as a unique individual and provided the opportunities they need to succeed!

Creating Equitable Opportunities

All people should be afforded the guarantee of fair treatment and equitable opportunity. Many of those without are within historically marginalized, underserved, and underrepresented populations. We are committed to serving families in neighborhoods that need us the most.

Eliminating Barriers

Systemic racism has a traumatic, long-term effect and must come to an end. Our mission further compels us to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation and advancement of certain groups in our country, particularly Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other persons of color; LGBTQIA+; and those with physical or mental disabilities.

Staff Member Diversity

Dismantling Unjust Systems

95% of Club members say the people at their Club accept them for who they are.

Addressing these injustices cannot be accomplished by a single organization; it is only through a collective effort that we can create a future that is equitable and accessible to all, and free of systemic racism. Our youth deserve a safe place, a voice that will be heard and respected, and mentorship from adults free of unfair bias. It is critical that the role models our youth interact with stand up for what is right and help guide the Great Futures they deserve. We take the charge to stand up for our youth and ensure they receive access and experiences to help them become the best individuals they can be.

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